Affair Recovery Help

Find Your Infidelity Healing with a Licensed Therapist and Coach

Tim Tedder is a coach to worldwide clients seeking help for personal and relationship healing following infidelity. As a licensed counselor in Indiana, he also offers therapy services to all state residents via private, personal video sessions.

You can easily schedule your video session or contact Tim if you have more questions.

An Affair Recovery Option for Indiana Residents

Discovering your spouse or partner has been having an affair is one of the most devastating experiences you can go through. Feelings of betrayal, anger and fear seem unbearable. Rest becomes elusive. You can’t stop replaying the details of what you know and yet you crave more information; wanting the truth but fearing the answers.

Affair recovery counseling can help!

Recovery is a difficult process. You find yourself asking important questions: How could this have happened? Can I ever trust my spouse again? Is my marriage worth saving, or am I better off leaving? Should I stay with someone who did this to me (or someone I’m not sure I’m in love with anymore)? What did I do wrong? Should I forgive? When will the pain go away? Why did this happen?

Trust with your spouse has been shattered and hope is at an all-time low. It may feel like you will never recover from this, but it’s important to know recovery is possible. It’s not easy work―it takes time and effort―but healing and growth can be a real outcome.

Maybe this is the end of your marriage. Maybe it's the beginning of a new version of it. Maybe you're not sure. Whatever your circumstances, I can help you through the steps of your affair recovery process.

Issues Tim addresses in his affair recovery work:

For Injured Partners

  • Why does this hurt so much? How long will it take me to get over this?

  • Should I stay or should I leave?

  • Why wasn’t I enough? Did I do something wrong?

  • What choices should I make right now?

  • Should I forgive? Should I trust?

For Involved Partners

  • Why did this happen?

  • What choice(s) should I make now?

  • Am I on the brink of destruction? Or discovery?

  • How quickly can I move past this?

For Couples

  • Should we fight for our relationship or let this be the end?

  • Do couples ever really ever get better after infidelity?

  • It feels like we’re in a confusing or destructive cycle. How do we stop it?

  • What about the children?

Tim Tedder, LMHC

Tim is a licensed counselor with a passion to help individuals and couples who have been wounded by infidelity. He is the author of books and resources related to affair recovery and relationship renewal.

More Info about Tim