Appointment Info
Remember: All appointments are scheduled in U.S. Eastern Standard Time (New York time).
Video Sessions
At the time of your appointment, click on the link provided in the reminder you received (via email and/or text, depending on your preference settings) 24 hours in advance. You can also find the video link by signing into your client portal at your appointment time.
Using a computer, you'll be directed to the video conference page. Using a smartphone or tablet, you'll be directed to the free downloadable app (Telehealth by Simple Practice, available on Android and iPhone).
Make sure you've got a good internet connection. For complete information, download the Telehealth Guide (PDF).
Note: If you did not receive or cannot locate your video link, contact Tim so he can send the link to you.
Phone Sessions
At the scheduled time, call your coach's conference number. If you call in first, you will hear hold music until your coach/counselor arrives. Use a phone with a clear connection. Couples usually have better results using separate phones rather than using the speaker function on a single phone.